Real, Fun, Choices(TM)
The W.H.O.L.E. Gang Newsletter - header image

Hello {!firstname_fix},

So my plan to have a monthly newsletter to you each month has proven to be more difficult lately than I had anticipated. I alone create the content on my blog which means I am the chief cook and bottle washer. I am not one of those large conglomerate blogs that has multiple writers and recipe developers. So sometimes that spreads me a little thin. I apologize for not getting a newsletter out to you each month over this summer. I do hope to get back on track with that.

If you have topics you are interested in that really helps me concentrate my efforts. After all this newsletter is for you. What do you want more information about? Now if you say baking or which products out there in a box are gluten free, well then you'll need to check with others. I don't do much baking because for me it's not second nature like cooking. There are so many great blogs and cookbooks you can check out for information on that topic.

So other than that, let me know what you're interested in reading and I'll do my best to deliver.

Have a wonderful day!
- Diane

What Are You Scared to Eat?

This month I'm hosting Go Ahead Honey, It's Gluten Free. It's a fun event where people share recipes of foods that they might have been scared to eat but once they tried them realized they liked them and it was silly to be scared.

I hope you will join in by sharing some with me to include in the event, even if you do not have a blog. You can send me a photo and a note and I'll be happy to share. Deadline is Saturday October 23rd.

But first let's see what you might be scared to eat. Here is a little exercise to do that will help you increase the foods you can eat and maybe get out of the same old meal rut.

In This Issue..

The Gluten-Free Dianer Cookbook

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Menu Plan Monday- October
18, 2010

Friday Foodie Fix- Secret Ingredient Balsamic Vinegar

I'm Hosting Go Ahead Honey, It's Gluten Free

Scary Brussels SproutsMake a list of all the foods, real foods, that you either do not like or have not tried. You can even do this when you go to the grocery store. Walk around the produce area and make a note of those foods. Don't forget to check out the seafood counter or meat counter. Now remember if you are looking at foods without labels, this will be a fast and easy thing to do.

By doing this at your grocery store or farmers market where you can shop, I won't have to hear you complain you would like to try x,y, and z but they don't sell it where you live. No excuses, just opportunities.

I have a new name for foods I don't like. If they are gluten, dairy and rice free then I can eat them. If I can eat them then I call them foods I don't like yet. Maybe there is another variety of that food I can try or maybe I need a different recipe.

For instance I thought I didn't like Brussels sprouts. Well I found out I didn't like them boiled but I love them roasted with a little bacon.

I also found out the more foods I try the more open I am to trying foods I never would have in the past. There are so many great foods out there, go find some new ones and give them a try! Give yourself as many choices as possible. You're not scared, are you?

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with BaconIngredients:

  • Brussels Sprouts either lose or still on the stalk, washed and cut
    in half
  • 1 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Course Sea Salt and Fresh Ground Black Pepper to taste
  • 4 slices of Bacon-thick best but not necessary- cut into lardons


Toss your Brussels sprouts in olive oil.

Crisp the bacon lardons in a cast iron skillet. Turn off the burner. Take the bacon out and add in the Brussels sprouts cut side down. Sprinkle the bacon on top.

Put into a 375 degree preheated oven and roast for 30 minutes. Halfway through flip the Brussels sprouts over.

You are looking for the sprouts to brown and start to caramelize and be fork tender.

Carefully remove from the oven because the handle will be hot.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Serve immediately.

Note: If you don't have a cast iron skillet or any oven proof skillet you can use a cookie sheet for the Brussels sprouts. Just cook the bacon in a regular skillet pouring the bacon over the sprouts on the sheet and then bake.

If you are looking for a little different twist try White On Rice Couple's version with Balsamic Vinegar. It's really good too. Or you might like Elise's Simply Recipes version with garlic and lemon.


Benefits of Gathering with Other Gluten Free Foodies

Dinner at Orson'sThis month I was lucky enough to travel to San Francisco for the BlogHer Food Conference. I went to learn how to be a better blogger and to gather with other food loving folks. I also was lucky enough to hang out with many gluten free bloggers. That meant when we all were looking to eat, we all had the same starting point.

At home I have to admit I don't hang out with other gluten free folks. I've not joined in any of the local groups and now I'm wondering why. It's such a great opportunity to share and learn from each other. You can also share plates when you go out to eat which doesn't happen with my other friends.

Dinner at The PlantSo what groups gather around you? Is there a Yahoo group, GIG, or a CSA chapter you could join? How about other local support groups? Why not start a Meet Up group in your area?

I have to say it is so much fun to meet up with my friends from all over country and I hope we get to do it more often. As for my fellow local gluten free foodies, I'd love to hear from you.

If you belong to a group from any area, please let me know and I'll start a list to include in an upcoming post on this topic. Please share how they can contact the group, where it is and what is the focus.
